Our ways of collaborating and leading are changing faster than ever. Topics such as home office are coming increasingly relevant. What has been successful for the past decades, won’t guarantee success in the future. Therefore we all need to adapt, learn new skills, and develop a new mindset.

But how can you support your employees in getting fit for these new work environments without bringing them in for expensive full-day training?

The New Normal App focuses on the most important skills required to be successful in the new normal. For every skill, we developed a broad range of exercises so your employees have access to quick daily training sessions – anytime, anyplace.


new workenvironments

Hands-on training

The magic happens where the wanting stops and the doing starts. All sessions are designed to be applied and helpful in day-to-day life.


“No time” is no excuse. Since no session is taking longer than 15 minutes, you can squeeze in a little new normal at any time.


Train whenever and wherever you want to. Enter the different training sessions via the New Normal App. Innovative user experience design secures easy handling for everyone.

Corporate customizing

Adapted to your needs. The New Normal App can be customized to the needs of your company. Specific messages, corporate values, skills, or CI - you name it, we deliver it.

New skillsfor new work

Fit for home office? We put together the most important skills to be successful in the future work environment.
The selection is based on comprehensive research.

New ways of collaborating in your team

New work also affects your teamwork. From straight hierarchy to self-organized and agile teams. Therefore trust is one of the most powerful values to accelerate workplaces. Learn on the one hand how to empower and on the other how to make decisions on your own.

Be curious and keep learning

In today's fast and constantly changing world wehere all information is available, it is important that we continously grow and keep being curious. How can we do that? With a constant urge to learn new things.

Rethink focusing on your customers

In today's world everyone has a customer. Even your colleagues can be your customers. Learn new ways to identify customer needs and bring them to your daily work. Even if customer orientation is nothing new for you there are always ways to improve.

Communicate transparently & with an open mind

New work also means a new way of communication. Transparent and up-to-date communication - especially in times like these in which we can often only communicate across digital channels - is becoming increasingly important. Learn how to fulfill these demands.

Be mindful with yourself and others

Learn to walk through the world with an alert gaze, focus, and serenity, and to use your intuition and inspiration to be more creative and more innovative.

The app

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    Small businesses
    5€per user per month
    • Access to 3 out of 5 skills
    • -
    • -


    Let's talk!
    • Access to all skills
    • CI integration
    • Content customizing

    The experts

    Steffen Abel

    Innovation Expert

    Annika Fuchs

    Social Media Expert

    Kristina Kremer

    Agile Coach

    Sören Pusch

    Digital Transformation Advisor

    Christian Schilling

    Startup Coach

    Sabrina von Eynatten

    Organizational Design Expert